Bibliography - Fourth Assignment

By - 08.57

NIM                : 2211411026


1.      4 books with one author

                               I.            Soekirno, Harimurti (2005). Cara Mudah Menginstall Web Server Berbasis Windows Server 2003. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo
                            II.            Alan, Evision. 1983. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary New York : Oxford University Press
                         III.            Bram, Barly. 1995. Write Well, Improving Writing Skill. Yogyakarta : Kanisius
                         IV.            Hornby, AS. 1984. Oxford Advantaged Learner’s Dictionary of current English. America: Oxford University Press.

2.      4 books with two author

                               I.            De George, Richard T and M. Fernande, eds. The structuralists from Marx to Levistrauss. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.
                            II.            Macksey, Richard, and Eugenio Donato, eds. The Structuralist Controversy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1970.
                         III.            Lentricchia, Frank and Thomas McLaughin, eds. Critical Terms for Literary Study. Chicago: U of Chicago P,1990.
                         IV.            Stevens, Bonnie, and Larry Stewart. A Guide to Literary Criticism and Research. Fort Worth: Holt, 1992.

3.      2 books with more than three authors (ET AL.)

                               I.            Aktas D, Alikasifoglu M, Gonc N, Senocak ME, Tuncbilek E. Isodicentric Y (p11.32) chromosome in an infant with mixed gonadal dysgenesis. J.ejmg. 2006; 49 : 141–149
                            II.            Quilter CR, Nathwani N, Conway GS, Stanhope R, Ralph D, Bahadur, et al. A comparative study between infertile males and patients with Turner syndrome to determine the influence of sex chromosome mosaicism and the breakpoints of structurally abnormal Y chromosomes on phenotypic sex. J Med Genet 2002; 39: 80-86

4.      2 articles taken from edited books

                               I.            MacLaughlin DT and Donahoe PK. Sex Determination and Differentiation. Review article in N Engl J Med 2004; 350:367-378
                            II.            Davidson, A.I. (1985). Archaeology, genealogy, ethics. In D.C. Hoy (Ed.), Foucault: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 221–233.

5.      5 articles from printed journals

                               I.            Hook, D. (2005b). Affecting whiteness: Racism as technology of affect. International Journal of Critical Psychology, 16: 74–99.
                            II.            Hill, M. (2004). After Whiteness Unmaking an American Majority. New York and
London: New York University Press. Hetherington, K. (1998). Expressions of Identity: Space, Performance, Politics.
III     Deleuze, G. (1988). Foucault. London: Athlone Press.
IV     Davis, M. (1992). City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles. New York:
                            V.            Hetherington, K. (1998). Expressions of Identity: Space, Performance, Politics.

6.      4 theses/dissertations

                               I.            Kuncoro, T. 1996. Pengembangan Kurikulum Pelatihan Magang di STM Nasional Malang Jurusan Bangunan, Program Studi Bangunan Gedung: Suatu Studi Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Dunia Usaha Jasa Konstruksi . Tesis tidak diterbitkan. Malang: PPS IKIP MALANG.
                            II.            Winarni TI, Juniarto AZ, Faradz SMH, Hamel B. Chromosomal Finding Among Female with Amenorhe Primer. Presented in Joint 7th Human Genome Organization Asian pacific Meeting and The 8th Asian pacific Conference on Human Genetic, Philipines April 2-5th 2008
                         III.            Faradz SMH. Sexual Ambiguity in Semarang, a Cytogenetic Approach. In : Proceedings of the National seminar and Workshop on Ambiguous Genitalia.Semarang, Indonesia, 2004 : 4
                         IV.            Hook, D. (2002). The Power of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Unpublished PhD
Thesis. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand.
                            V.            Susanto R. Profil Hormonal pada Anak dengan Ambigus Genitalia. In: Proceedings of the National seminar and Workshop on Ambiguous Genitalia, Semarang, Indonesia, 2004 : 46-76

7.      2 articles from electronic journals

                               I.            Rahimawati. 2013. Contoh Daftar Pustaka dan Cara Penulisannya,, (diakses 22 Mei 2013)

                            II.            Albarda (2004). Strategi Implementasi TI untuk Tata Kelola Organisasi (IT Governance). From, 3 August 2008

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