SECOND ASSIGNMENT - The field of english literature

By - 23.22

STUDENT NUMBER : 2211411026

What the sector for English literature student
1. What the issue?
2. Criticize using theory!
3. How the quality on it?

I. Journalistic and press

1. Issue :

Many people think that journalistic and press is same, but the real is not. Because journalistic and press are different, but have a connection between them. Press appears from Netherlands. On harfiah aspect press mean print. Then, on maknawiah aspect, press is broadcasting which printed or printed publication. Press has two meaning, they are press in limited sense and press in large sense. Press in limited sense only on type media such as newsletter, magazine, tabloid, and bulletin. On the other hand, press in large sense contain all publication not only newsletter but also electronic media such as radio, television, and internet (online media). A society arguing that press are type media (especially newsletter).That opinion appear by the history itself, because newsletter the oldest media in the world. Moreover newsletter came before type machine find by John Gutenberg on 1450 at Mainz, Germany.
Press as a publication media also spread a journalism, which has feature such as one way traffic communication, organize, up to date, influence, orientation on code etic journalistic. Like a communication, a connection between journalistic and press caused by the object on it. Both have an equality as like human and interaction between human. As like their object are information and human’s statement. Dissimilarity between journalistic and press located on substantial activity. Journalistic direct on the activity getting information then write it. On the other, press direct on media also how that news published.
2. Theory :

There is no choice between press and journalism to struggle fourth pillar of democracy such as credible and benefit which can do by competence journalist. According Fred S. Siebert (1963) theory’s – Four Theories Of The Press, press as part of democracy, as a result journalist should be professional and integrity, also be brave for reporting the truth.

3. Quality :

Along with development of technology like information and communication, journalistic not only managing news on type media, but also managing news on electronic media. Moreover, in this era has been reaching on online media. Therefore, until now the development journalism is better.

II. Analysis using dependency theory on Doraemon movie

1. Issue :

In this era, there are so many people who want to reach their ambition using simple way such as magic or anything. In this case, I would glad to analysis a movie entitled Doreamon using dependency theory by Sandra Ball-Rokeach dan Melvin DeFleur.

2. Theory :

Dependency theory is mass communication theory that argue : when someone depending something on one of media to complete their dailyneed, as a result this media will become more important for them. The media on Doraemon movie is Doraemon itself. Then, Nobita is the someone who depend on the media who want to complete their dailyneed. Then, the media (Doraemon) become more important for Nobita. For example when Nobita want to go in somewhere faster, he can ask Doraemon to help him using pintu kemana saja, so he can go there quickly. It is mean that Nobita is someone who depend on media.

3. Quality :

The quality of this movie is not good for children, because children will become lazy. Because they will think that everything is easy to get by kantong ajaib. Beside that, this movie show an violent which did by Giant and Suneo. This movie totally bad for children and also not educated them.

III. Song analysis entitled karena wanita ingin dimengerti by Ada Band using feminism theory

Lyric Karena Wanita Ingin Dimengerti
By : Ada band

Lekuk indah hadirkan pesona
Kemuliaan bagi yang memandang
Setiamu simbol keanggunan
Khas perawan yang kau miliki
Akulah pengagum ragamu
Tak ingin ku menyakitimu
Lindungi dari sengat dunia yang mengancam
Nodai.. Sucinya lahirmu
Karena wanita ingin dimengerti
Lewat tutur lembut dan laku agung
Karena wanita ingin dimengerti
Manjakan dia.. dengan kasih sayang
Ingin kuajak engkau menari
Bermandi hangat cahaya bulan
Sebagai tanda kebahagiaan
Dari semesta.. Cinta kita
Karena wanita ingin dimengerti
Lewat tutur lembut dan laku agun
Karena wanita ingin dimengerti
Manjakan dia.. dengan kasih sayang
Bintang Terang itulah dirimu
Janganlah redup dan mati
Aku dibelakangmu memeluk
Dan.. menjagamu

1. Issue :

In this modern era, we find many problem about feminism. The woman doesn’t get equal position with man. Because, there is a lot of view that woman are weak. Sometimes there are some violent for her also get different treatment than man. In this issue, many people believe that this song is about feminism, but I don’t think so, and I would like explain about it using feminism theory.

2. Theory :

I analysis using feminism theory by Friedrich Engels which tell on his classic book entitled The origin of the family, private property and the states (1884). The burry by woman is not cause by developing country, nor a weakness of her mental and energy or something else, but it happen by appearing of social class. Therefore, this song does not talk about feminism. Because through this there is no social class between man or woman, no evidence that show it. So, I use feminism theory to reveal the misunderstand through this song.

3. Quality :

The quality of this song is good, but many people are getting misunderstand on it, because many people are thinking that this song is about feminism.

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