Human Interest Story
Al-Qur’an in Kudus City
Kota Jenang is an utterance for Kudus
City beside Kretek City and Wali City. In this opportunity, I am going to
explain about why Kudus is chosen as the main destination for them who want to memorize
First is the environmental factor.
Environment gives effect for shaping a character. It takes a part in people
successfulness. In Kudus, some pesantren are orientated in tahfidz Al-Qur’an (memorize). Therefore, it goes without saying
that Kudus is called as madinatul huffadz.
Take a look the situation, people who want to memorize Al-Qur’an will have
spirit and enjoy.
Second is about choosing a friend.
This factor is important for them. In kudus we can find many santri who memorize Al-Qur’an. They read
a holy Qur’an by takrir menakrir method
with their friends. For example, first person reads Al-Qur’an and second person
is listening.
Third is about teachers. Teacher in
Kudus is categorized in two kind. First, is a setoran teacher and second is makhroj
teacher. Setoran teacher is
ustadz who receive our achievement every day. Different with setoran teacher, Makhroj teacher is a teacher who take a responsibility about our Tajwid. We are not allowed to do memorizing
if we are not fluent in reading Al-Qur’an using Kudus standard.
Next is a method. Talking about
memorizing Al-Qur’an, Kudus has no absolute
method that should be applied by santri.
Moreover, santri are not allowed to
memorize Al-Qur’an before their sound are heard as like madzhab Kudus as the
standard. Last factor is related with fee. A daily needs or living cost in
Kudus can be categorized inexpensive for them. That is all factors that make
people want to study Al-Qur’an in Kudus.